Extra Credit Reading Notes: Mythology Overview Videos
Extra Credit Reading Notes: Mythology Overview Videos
(Significance and Stay Power of Myths: screenshot from What is Myth?)
For extra credit readings this week, I watched the Mythology Overview videos which included the Crash Course videos What is Myth?, Theories of Myth, and The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth. I have watched other Crash Course series and enjoyed them very much so I was happy to see them as options for this assignment. I liked that the first video explained myths and tried to nail down a definition that would make sense to most people. I knew of some of the functions of myths, but I had not heard the word "euhemerism" before and found that to be interesting. I also did not know that the idea of Aryans that influenced Germany had roots in myths. The theories surrounding myths were also interesting, though since I am a psychology major, I cringed somewhat when certain theories and ideas from Freud and Jung were brought up. However, I understand why they were included in the videos. The video about the hero's journey did a great job of explaining why stories like those are relatable and valuable to readers. The breakdown of the monomyth was also very interesting. It's easy to see that the idea of the monomyth is largely accurate since so many myths follow its formula to a noticeable degree.
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