Extra Credit Reading: Crash Course Myth - Epics and Heroes

Extra Credit Reading: Crash Course Myth - Epics and Heroes

(One of the versions of Gilgamesh from game series, Final Fantasy: Image by PlayStation Europe)

I was quite excited to see that Gilgamesh was talked about in this batch of videos, specifically in The Epic of Gilgamesh. I did not know much about the actual story of Gilgamesh before seeing this video, but I was excited to learn more about him because he is featured in one of my favorite video game series and is quite notorious in them. Enkidu is also involved in some of the iterations of Gilgamesh in the game series I mentioned, but my favorite version of him is one where he is just a little green chicken that helps Gilgamesh. It was also interesting to learn about Rama and the Ramayana, as I believe I was the least familiar with the information from that video. I have heard about the holy grail several times before, but not in the detail that was presented in the Galahad, Perceval, and the Holy Grail video. I did recognize many of the names that were mentioned, though.


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