Reading Notes: Aesop (Winter) Part B

Reading Notes: Aesop (Winter) Part B

(Mercury, image by Uva79)

Mercury and the Woodman, illustrations by Milo Winter (1919)

The often enjoy the Aesop stories for the idea or theme expressed in each story, and the way it is delivered. That holds true for this story as well, since I very much enjoyed the idea it conveys. The common and simple idea of honesty is shown in this story. I enjoyed the two main characters, Mercury and the Woodman. I feel that the intent of all the characters was communicated well in this story, since it was easy to anticipate what each character was going to do. Stories like these remind me that sometimes a simple idea like honesty can be the basis for something great.

The Frog and the Mouse, illustrations by Milo Winter (1919)

I feel as though I also need to write notes about stories that surprise me. Most of the stories that surprise me are ones that have something particularly unpleasant in them, and that is true for this story as well. I was actually horrified by what happened to the mouse, and then the idea of the frog having the dead mouse still attached to him made it worse for me. I feel the need to write notes for stories like this to remind myself that it is okay for bad things to be included in stories. Those bad things can often be very helpful for conveying a message or idea. Perhaps by paying more attention to stories like this, I can add some variety into my own writings.

The Animals and the Plague, illustrations by Milo Winter (1919)

I very much enjoyed the way this story was written. It made me emotional during all the right parts, especially when the donkey spoke of his deeds. I immediately felt sympathy for him, and then was sad when the other animals turned on him. I think the way the story was written is perfect for the idea being conveyed. The more powerful animals quickly dismissed their own sins and made to focus on the more minor infractions of others. Unfortunately, this kind of scenario mirrors many that occur in the real world. 


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