Extra Credit Reading Notes: Crash Course - Mythical Places

Extra Credit Reading Notes: Crash Course - Mythical Places

(Flying Spaghetti Monster: Image by dopplerduck)

I really enjoyed these videos. One of my favorites parts of them was in the Mythical Caves and Gardens video. I thought the story about people originally living underground but having different features and such was really cool. I also liked the cameo of the Flying Spaghetti Monster that was made during that part. I also liked seeing the story involving the greedy king and the mountain that held valuable things in the Mythical Mountains video. I can definitely recognize the tropes usually related to mountains that were discussed in the video, as I have witnessed them in other stories as well. I really enjoyed the Tree Myths video as well, since many of the trees it mentioned are trees I recognize from other stories or video games, especially Norse trees like Yggdrasil. Norse mythology in general is pretty common in video games. It was also interesting to see the importance of cities in stories, and the difference between tall tales that feature them and actual mythology in the video Cities of Myth.


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