Reading Notes: Japanese Fairy Tales (Ozaki) Part A

Reading Notes: Japanese Fairy Tales (Ozaki) Part A

(Tawara Toda from My Lord Bag of Rice)

I very much enjoyed the stories from this unit. The stories were longer but also fewer in quantity. Depending on the unit, I prefer the stories to be that way and I thought it was good for this unit. The Man Who Did Not Wish to Die was by far my favorite story from this section of the unit. Sentaro experienced a lot of things while he was dreaming, which I thought was cool because it was not revealed that he was actually dreaming until later. I really liked the idea that was presented in this story, and that is the main reason why it was my favorite from this part of the unit. The story taught the lesson of greediness and selfish desires will not bring happiness even if they are granted. I also enjoyed all of the description and imagery provided in My Lord Bag of Rice. The way it was written made it very easy to visualize all of the grand things and events depicted in the story. 


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