Week 8 Reading and Writing
Week 8 Reading and Writing
I have enjoyed the reading assignments very much overall. I have not kept up as well with the writing assignments, though when I have done them, I have surprised myself with how much I am able to write. I am happy with both my blog and project websites. I think my project has gone well overall since I have been able to choose appropriate stories to add to it even though I only have a few to choose from. I think my biggest accomplishments are that I have written my own stories and I actually like what I have written. I am much more used to writing research papers or essays instead of things like the stories for this class, so I was unsure of if I would be able to do okay at writing these kinds of things. Though, I feel good about the stories I have written and have been surprised by how easy it was to write them once I got started.
(Lion: image by Serg Zhuravlev)
This is my favorite image from my stories/reading notes because of how well done it is. I feel that the lion here matches the lion in the story that I used this image for, and that happens to be my favorite story as well.
As I look forward for this class, I would like to be more on top of the story assignments. I feel I have not kept up with them enough, which has left me with only a few stories written at this point. I think that is the most important thing for me to improve on as of now.
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