Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part B

Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part B by Lewis Carroll

(Alice at the Tea-Party: Illustration by Sir John Tenniel)

The second section of the Alice in Wonderland unit was just as delightful as the first. I was excited to read about the famous tea-party scene in A Mad Tea-Party. Similar to previous parts of the story, my favorite part of the tea-party was the banter that occurred. This time it was between characters rather than between Alice and herself. The characters present at the tea-party all had unique personalities and were expressed quite well. The next scene that stood out to me was the introduction of the queen in The Queen's Croquet-Ground. The queen's personality and such was as I expected, though her introduction was still quite entertaining. Alice is again showing why she is my favorite character with how quickly she stands up to the queen and points out her nonsense. The mystery of Who Stole the Tarts? was also just as interesting as I remember, with Alice getting to the bottom of things in later scenes. 


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