Extra Credit Reading Notes: Crash Course - Tricksters
Extra Credit Reading: Crash Course - Tricksters
(Coyote: Image by U.S. Department of Agriculture)
I have always liked trickster characters, so it was fun to watch these crash course videos that focused on them. I was saddened when it was mentioned in the first video, Tricksters: An Introduction, that trickster characters are always male, since I generally prefer female characters. I think making a trickster character female would be great. I was not familiar with the Anansi character before watching this video, but it was interesting to see how the story about that trickster is used to explain why ants are often carrying very heavy things. I liked the video about Hermes and Loki for the information it provided on the invention of the lyre and its importance in telling stories. Also simply because it involved Loki, as it is always fun to hear about him. I thought the Coyote and Raven, American Tricksters video was interesting as it highlight the differences between Native American mythological stories that involve animals and those of the Greek or Norse. The ridiculousness of some of the story involving the coyote was humorous to me, as I had never expected defecation to be a part of the story.
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