Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm (Crane) Part B

Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm (Crane) Part B

(Swan: Image by pixel2013/2133 images)

This section of the Brothers Grimm (Crane) unit was interesting and fun to read, just as the first was. The Six Swans was different than I was expecting, but I still enjoyed it. I liked that the king's daughter was brave enough to go and look for her brothers after they were turned into swans. Not only that, she went through hardships staying quiet for such a long time trying to break the spell that had been put upon her brothers. The Three Spinsters was also a refreshing story in a way. Normally when people making promises to other characters such as the spinsters in this story, they end up breaking those promises and suffering consequences for it. That was not so in this story, as the main character kept her promise to the spinsters and had a happy ending because of that. It was wonderful to see the the story of Snow-White here as well. As a big fan of the other iterations of this story, it was interesting to see the original and compare it to the other works I have seen. 


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